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Private Transport from Marrakech to Dakhla

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If you’re planning a trip from Marrakech to Dakhla, a coastal city in Western Sahara of morocco, private transport is a convenient and comfortable option. With a private vehicle, you can enjoy the flexibility of traveling at your own pace, making stops along the way to explore the stunning landscapes and attractions. Here’s everything you need to know about arranging private transport from Marrakech to Dakhla.

Benefits of Private Transport

transport touristique marrakech
transport touristique au maroc

1. Convenience and Flexibility

Private transport allows you to tailor your journey according to your preferences. You can choose the departure time, make stops along the way, and enjoy a comfortable ride with privacy. It gives you the flexibility to explore hidden gems and attractions that are not easily accessible by public transportation.

2. Comfortable and Safe Travel

Private transport ensures a comfortable and safe travel experience. You can relax in a well-maintained vehicle with air conditioning and ample space for your luggage. Additionally, experienced drivers familiar with the route will ensure a smooth and secure journey.

3. Scenic Landscapes and Stops

The route from Marrakech to Dakhla offers breathtaking landscapes and scenic beauty. With private transport, you can stop at picturesque spots such as the Atlas Mountains, desert oases, and coastal towns to soak in the natural beauty and capture memorable photos.

4. Customized Itinerary

Private transport allows you to create a customized itinerary. Whether you want to visit specific attractions, take detours to off-the-beaten-path locations, or plan overnight stays in certain cities, you have the freedom to shape your journey according to your preferences.

How to Arrange Private Transport

Private Transport from Marrakech to Dakhla

1. Research and Choose a Reliable Transport Provider

Start by researching and choosing a reliable transport provider that offers private transfer services from Marrakech to Dakhla. Look for companies with positive reviews, experienced drivers, and a good track record of customer satisfaction.

2. Contact the Transport Provider

Once you’ve identified a potential transport provider, get in touch with them to discuss your travel requirements. Provide them with the date and time of your departure, the number of passengers, and any specific requests or stops you’d like to make along the way.

3. Confirm the Details and Price

Confirm the details of your journey, including the pick-up location in Marrakech and the drop-off location in Dakhla. Discuss the price, payment methods, and any additional services or amenities that may be available, such as Wi-Fi or multilingual drivers.

4. Prepare for the Journey

On the day of your departure, ensure that you’re ready for the journey. Pack your belongings, including any essentials you may need for the trip. Be punctual and ready to meet your driver at the designated pick-up location.

5. Enjoy the Journey

Sit back, relax, and enjoy the scenic drive from Marrakech to Dakhla. Take in the stunning landscapes, make stops at interesting places, and embrace the freedom and comfort of private transport. Feel free to engage with your driver, ask questions, and learn more about the culture and history of the region.


Arranging private transport from Marrakech to Dakhla offers convenience, flexibility, and the opportunity to explore the beautiful landscapes of Western Sahara. With a reliable transport provider, you can enjoy a comfortable and safe journey while making stops along the way to capture the beauty of the Atlas Mountains, desert oases, and coastal towns. Plan ahead, choose a trusted transport provider, and embark on a memorable trip from Marrakech to Dakhla.

Experience the freedom and comfort of private transport from Marrakech to Dakhla. Contact us today to arrange your personalized journey!


How long does it take to travel from Marrakech to Dakhla by private transport?

The duration of the journey from Marrakech to Dakhla can vary depending on the route taken and any stops along the way. It typically takes around 20-24 hours.

Are there any specific attractions or landmarks to visit during the journey?

Yes, there are several attractions and landmarks to explore during the trip, such as the Atlas Mountains, desert oases like Tighmert and Foum Zguid, and coastal towns like Laayoune and Boujdour.

Can the driver recommend places to visit or stay along the route?

Yes, experienced drivers are familiar with the route and can provide recommendations for places to visit or stay based on your interests and preferences.

Is it possible to have multiple stops or overnight stays during the journey?

Absolutely. Private transport allows for customized itineraries, so you can plan multiple stops or overnight stays to explore different locations along the way.

Is it necessary to book private transport in advance?

It’s advisable to book private transport in advance to ensure availability, especially during peak travel seasons. However, last-minute bookings may also be possible depending on availability.

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