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7 Things to Know Before Traveling to Morocco

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Morocco, with its vibrant culture, rich history, and diverse landscapes, is a captivating destination for travelers. Before embarking on your journey to this North African country, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with certain aspects, including tourist transport in Marrakech, to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience. Here are seven things to know before traveling to Morocco.

Cultural Etiquette and Customs

  1. Respect for Islamic traditions and practices: Morocco is a predominantly Muslim country, and it’s important to respect Islamic customs and traditions. Dress modestly, particularly in rural areas and religious sites, and be mindful of local norms and practices.
  2. Dress code and modesty: While Morocco is relatively liberal, it’s advisable to dress modestly, especially in public places. Women may consider covering their shoulders and knees, and men should avoid wearing shorts in conservative areas.

Language and Communication

  1. Arabic and Berber languages: Arabic is the official language of Morocco, but many Moroccans also speak Amazigh (Berber). Learning a few basic Arabic phrases or common Berber greetings can go a long way in connecting with locals.
  2. Basic French and English proficiency: French is widely spoken in Morocco, particularly in cities and tourist areas. English is also spoken to some extent, especially in establishments that cater to tourists. Learning a few common French and English phrases can be helpful for communication.

Currency and Money Matters

  1. Moroccan dirham (MAD): The official currency of Morocco is the Moroccan dirham (MAD). It’s advisable to exchange your currency to dirhams upon arrival or withdraw cash from ATMs, which are widely available in major cities and tourist areas.
  2. Availability of ATMs and currency exchange: ATMs are easily accessible in Morocco, allowing you to withdraw cash in local currency. Currency exchange services are also available at airports, banks, and authorized exchange offices. It’s always wise to carry some cash for smaller establishments or in remote areas where card payment may not be accepted.

Weather and Climate

  1. Explore the varying climates across regions in Morocco, from the Mediterranean climate in coastal areas to colder temperatures in the Atlas Mountains, hot and arid conditions in the Sahara Desert, and a more continental climate in inland cities. When planning your trip, consider factors like tourist transport in Marrakech and research the weather conditions of the specific regions you plan to visit, ensuring you pack accordingly for a comfortable and enjoyable journey.

Transportation and Getting Around

  1. Explore public transportation options in Marrakech with a well-connected system, including trains, buses, and shared taxis, offering convenient travel within the city and to various destinations across Morocco.
  2. Taxis and bargaining for fares: Taxis are widely available in Morocco, and it’s important to negotiate the fare before starting your journey, especially for unmetered taxis. Ensure that the taxi driver uses the meter or agrees on a fixed price before getting in.
  3. Hiring local guides: In popular tourist destinations or historical sites, it can be beneficial to hire local guides who can provide valuable insights and enhance your experience. They can offer historical context, navigate local customs, and ensure a smoother exploration.

Safety and Security

  1. General safety precautions: Morocco is generally a safe country for travelers, but it’s always recommended to take common-sense precautions. Be cautious of your belongings, avoid displaying valuable items, and stay aware of your surroundings, particularly in crowded tourist areas.
  2. Awareness of common scams: Like any tourist destination, Morocco has its share of scams and touts. Be cautious when approached by individuals offering unsolicited assistance or deals that seem too good to be true. Research common scams beforehand to stay informed and avoid falling victim to scams.

Respect for Local Culture and Sensitivities

  1. Photography etiquette: When taking photos of people in Morocco, it’s polite to ask for permission first, especially when capturing portraits of locals. Some individuals may expect a small tip in return for being photographed.
  2. Respecting religious sites and customs: Morocco is home to numerous mosques and religious sites. When visiting these places, dress modestly, remove your shoes if required, and be respectful of ongoing religious practices or ceremonies.


By familiarizing yourself with these essential aspects of Moroccan culture and customs, including tourist transport in Marrakech, you can ensure a more enriching and respectful travel experience. Embrace the vibrant culture, immerse yourself in the local traditions, and embrace the beauty of Morocco’s diverse landscapes.


Is it safe to travel to Morocco?

Morocco is generally considered a safe country for travelers. However, it’s always important to exercise caution and be aware of your surroundings, especially in crowded areas and tourist hotspots. It’s also recommended to take standard safety precautions such as keeping your belongings secure and avoiding walking alone at night.

What is the best time to visit Morocco?

The best time to visit Morocco depends on the region and the activities you plan to do. Generally, the spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) months offer pleasant weather with moderate temperatures. However, if you’re interested in visiting the Sahara Desert, it’s best to plan your trip during the cooler months to avoid extreme heat.

What should I wear in Morocco?

Morocco is a Muslim-majority country with conservative dress norms. It’s recommended to dress modestly, especially when visiting religious sites or rural areas. Women should opt for loose-fitting clothing that covers the shoulders and knees, while men should avoid wearing sleeveless shirts and shorts in public.

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